Quotes of the Month

Quote of the Month

“When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work, but the solidest things we can know.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

With a true friend, there is no room for doubt, only for love. If you have to think twice with them, if you are scared to cry in their arms or laugh too loud, then they aren’t the ones who will drop everything for you. Sometimes, you have to walk on eggshells around others, around your own mind. Friends should be the ones that are solid ground – “they are not glass threads or frost work” – they will not break, they will not crumble when you do. Choose your friends wisely; you are the company you keep, and how else will you have a safe place to learn from your mistakes and enjoy life’s little moments?

To my friends, who make life a little easier every day. Thank you. I hope I make this world just as soft of a place for you.

~ PatBunny

Quotes of the Month

Quote of the Month

“I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.” – Fitzgerald F. Scott

Variety of life – one shall never be bored, for not every sunrise is the same, and nor are you at the end of each day. Live life with a little variety, because you are the changes you implement and the beauty you create. Maybe switch up your usual breakfast, or take a different route to work/school. Maybe, you’ll see a miracle, and maybe you’ll be someone’s miracle. After all, life is enchanting in both the mundane and the extraordinary.

~ PatBunny

Quotes of the Month

Quote of the Month

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” – Stephen Chbosky

And I ask you, don’t you deserve more than you’re willing to admit to yourself? More than what someone says you deserve? More than you give to yourself, because how often have you found that you give more love out than you receive?

~ PatBunny

Quotes of the Month

Quote of the Month

“I am still learning how to go back and reread my own chapters without feeling like I want to set all of my pages on fire.” – E.V. Rogina

In between all those regrets and moments that you wince are changes. And someone (who may not be you) is grateful that you did what you did, said what you said. Just remember that, especially on days when you want to set your pages on fire. You might rate the book 3/5 stars, but for someone else, they’ve never read a better book than yours. Give yourself grace. Everyone has their bad moments, and they have their good ones too.

But also burn them. If you feel like it, of course. It’s your past – present you is constantly changing, so if those chapters are holding you back, learn from them, then burn them. You’re the only one who has to give yourself the permission to move on.

~ PatBunny

Quotes of the Month

Quote of the Month

“And when the bad days come, I still take long walks, but now I bring a pen and paper with me. Poetry saved my life, and it could save many more…” – Azue Lintulahti

Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s the chill in the air, but the thought of a blank slate and starting over again next year…I can’t quite place this emotion. The wind takes me back years, and the sky brings me back to the present moment. It’s the perfect time to put on a jacket, a hat, hold hands, and go on a walk. We can stick to the silence – there’s no need for words. Would you care to join me?

~ PatBunny